Thursday, July 8, 2010


The Minister’s Report Card has been delayed by the handing in of a very late assignment. While the timing of this has caused significant administrative inconvenience, the assignment has some merit and we felt compelled to wait for it and evaluate it as part of his final grade. UnFortunately , this has resulted in recalling some staff that had already left for the year, or possibly longer.

Also, two major assignments, one designed to inspire, the other more of a direction-setting piece, were handed in later than expected during the term and are of such length and potential impact that they too had to be weighed in terms of the final mark.

Therefore, while we regret that the Report Card has been delayed, we know that in order to fully reflect this student’s ability and achievements, this was a necessary step.

The Minister’s Report Card will be available by end of the day Monday 12 July.