Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Bill 44: A reality in our schools this Fall

Bill 44 will be implemented in schools this coming Fall.
I have dipped into the archives again, and share with you these poetic thoughts.

Bill 44: So much to Abhor

With the passing of Bill Forty-Four
There is so much more to abhor
With a government that will sponsor a bill
That muzzles our teachers, but pleases the preachers
Of a small but influential group more.

What will our students then learn?
Will textbooks they next burn?
Is this censorship pure and simple?
No, this is the way that the government of the day
Finds to distort the “parent knows best” principle.

Using prior notice and parental dissent
To reduce controversial content
Of classroom discourse to the point of eventuality
That students are driven insane by the parade of mundane
Facts that never descend
Into discussion of religion or sexuality.

What kind of a world
Into which our kids are hurled
Does NOT allow ALL to hear
What others may think or believe is distinct
From what our parents hold dear.

Despite all the twitters and tweetings,rallies and meetings
Against the bill the government was SO bent on delivering
They’ll shut down debate in the classrooms of this state
Of things that might upset God, which is really odd
As by most accounts he is really forgiving.

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